Album Review: Category 7 - Category 7

Album Review: Category 7 - Category 7

On July 26, 2024,  Category 7 will release their self-titled debut album.

The band is comprised of some heavy metal royalty, featuring John Bush (Armored Saint, Anthrax) vocals, Phil Demmel (Vio-lence, Machine Head, Kerry King) guitar, Jason Bittner (Shadows Fall, Overkill, Flotsam & Jetsam) drums, Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob) guitar, and Jack Gibson (Exodus) bass guitar.

The seeds for the band were planted at a heavy metal bar ('Dingbatz') in New Jersey when Orlando met up with Demmel and Bittner, who were playing with Overkill at the time.

The group set out to create material with "big verses and big songs" from the beginning of the project, which really got going in March 2023, and they definitely succeeded in that regard.

The record is a ferocious blend of power metal, groove, and thrash. Each song is jam-packed with exciting rhythmic pleasure, fills, and riffs. There is so much going on that it sounds like an assault on the ears without being overly indulgent.

'In Stitches' is the frenetic album opener that drops us right into the middle of the metal storm. It is an exceptional start to the record  that displays the chaotic nature of the compositions that we can expect from the rest of the record.

The other highlights from the album are 'White Flags & Bayonets,' 'Mousetrap,' and 'Through Pink Eyes.' These songs embody the spirit and essence of heavy metal.

Category 7 produced a well-crafted and powerful record. You can hear every note and cymbal crash with precise clarity, and as a result, it appears like no detail was overlooked.

These days, it is hard to keep listeners interested for long, especially when you include an 8-minute instrumental ('Etter Stormen') into the mix. Nevertheless, the band managed to keep everything flowing so naturally. Every song on the album is just as powerful as the next, providing listeners with a whole album experience.

My only complaint with the album is that when the guitars come into the mix, at least half of the tracks begin with a neck slide. As a result, most of the intros have a similar vibe. But that is an issue that is swiftly fixed because every song turns into a distinctive beast.

The members' ability to keep their own styles and write songs that emphasize their abilities without the performances collapsing flat on each other is, in my opinion, the record's strongest feature. With that said, is there another vocalist in the music industry that's as consistent as Bush, who puts up another impeccable performance?

Rating: 7/10

Until next time, play it loud, friends.

Track List

1. In Stitches
2. Land I Used To Love
3. Apple of Discord
4. Exhausted
5. Runaway Truck
6. White Flags & Bayonets
7. Mousetrap
8. Waver At The Breaking Point
9. Through Pink Eyes
10. Etter Stormen

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