Album Review: Wormwitch - Wormwitch

Album Review: Wormwitch - Wormwitch

Wormwitch emerge once again from under the light of the feral Canadian Moon like a Xenomorph full of genre-bursting assault and ferocity for their fourth studio album simply titled Wormwitch

Much like the album's intense artwork, Wormwitch wastes little time in creating a storm ladened with sheer savagery for the opener 'Fugitive Spirit' which then continues with the addition of more blast beats and solos for follow-up 'Envenomed.'

To complete this unparalleled unholy trinity of perpetual skull smashing is 'The Helm And The Bow.' To be honest, I was unprepared for this level of bleakness encased in a swarm of ominous tones but I'm certainly not complaining!

The unapologetic relentlessness then moves on to 'Inner War' forging into the complex 'Godmaegen' and although you have wade through the cold landscapes the atmospheric nuances are certainly there. For me captures the overall aesthetic of the album and is easily my highlight track.

'Salamander' turns the album completely on its head with short melodic instrumental construction providing another dynamic that is effortlessly woven in, welcomed and well-placed. Although 'Wormsblood Necromancy' is slower and purposeful in its delivery it still maintains the razor-sharp edge in line with the majority of the album.

'Bright and Poisonous' has a surprising Cradle of Filth vibe to it which I am all for before finally pouring everything into 'Draconick Sorcerous Canadian Witchknights' to confirm that this is hands down the most intense and complex Wormwitch release to date - Watch out end of year charts!

Rating: 8/10

Track List

1. Fugitive Serpent
2. Envenomed
3. The Helm And The Bow
4. Inner War
5. Godmaegon
6. Salamander
7. Wormsblood Necromancy
8. Bright And Poisonous
9. Draconick Sorcerous Canadian Witchknights

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