January 10th

Iron Savior released the album “Unification”

January 14th

Disgorge released their debut album “Cranial Impalement”

January 25th

Nevermore released the album “Dreaming Neon Black”
Edguy released the album “Theater Of Salvation”

February 10th

At Vance released their debut album “No Escape”

February 23rd

Overkill released the album “Necroshine”

February 26th

Obscenity released the album “Human Barbecue”

March 9th

Scorpions released the album “Eye II Eye”

March 23rd

Quiet Riot released the album “Alive And Well”
Static X released their debut album “Wisconsin Death Trip”
Gamma Ray released the album “Power Plant”

March 29th

Amorphis released the album “Tuonela”

April 5th

Wolf released their debut album “Wolf”

April 6th

GWAR released the album “We Kill Everything”

April 11th

Malevolence released the album “Martyrialized”

April 19th

Angel Dust released the album “Bleed”

April 20th

Kreator released the album “Endorama”

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