Ghost Release Exclusive 'Undiscovered' Track From 'Rite Here Rite Now' Movie

Ghost Release Exclusive 'Undiscovered' Track From 'Rite Here Rite Now' Movie

Yesterday, June 20th Ghost released their highly anticipated original movie 'Rite Here Rite Now' consisting of live footage from their recent 'no devices allowed' performance at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles, California which also expanded on the band's storyline.

Not only that but a brand new track was debut at the same time. 'The Future Is A Foreign Land' is a "newly discovered" 1969-era track which was penned by the fictional character Papa Nihil who also wrote 'Mary On A Cross' and 'Kiss The Go-Goat' but the track was never released until now.

Ghost's leader and mastermind Tobias Forge says of this previously "undiscovered" track:

"The message is that there's a great lesson lost if you look at what is going on in the world now and what took us here… If you're lucky enough to experience this film in the cinema, you're pretty well off. You're one of the lucky ones and you should enjoy life, embrace it and do everything in your power to make life better for you and everyone you know. But remember the cost that it took for mankind in the past 55 years to get here and the sort of shit that we put each other through fighting for what we believe is a better world. I'’s meant to make you feel thankful somehow that we can laugh at certain things and be at a fictional rock concert in this world."

Check out the track below:

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