New Release Radar

New Release Radar

A brand new feature for This Day In Metal where we recommend a selection of new releases on a weekly basis. Check out our picks of the week below and let us know what you think.

  1. Cavalera - Schizophrenia
    1987 re-recording
    Brazilian Death/Thrash Metal

As part of their Third World Trilogy sessions which also included the re-recordings of Morbid Visions and Bestial Devastation last year, Schizophrenia marks the third instalment of the trilogy and of Sepultura's earlier works. A breath of fresh air has reinvigorated this already iconic record whilst still maintaining the raw energy of the 80s. The Cavalera brothers have also included a never before released track in the form of 'Nightmares of Delirium' which closes the record. Check out our full and detailed album review HERE.

Rating: 7/10

2. Kittie - Fire
   7th Studio Album
   Canadian Heavy Metal/Nu-Metal

Kittie have made a fine return to form with their first album in 13 years. Having been awoken from their long slumber, they have brought with them an intense fury full of catchy hooks, devastating riffs and thunderous drums, blending their nu-metal roots from 25 years ago with a modern metal approach. This is fast, it's heavy and it's ridiculously catchy.

Rating: 8/10

3. Alcest
   4th Studio Album
   French Post-Black/Shoegaze/Blackgaze

Mesmerising, transcending alternative realities and dimensions, a spiritual awakening akin to a religious experience. Otherworldly instrumentation which floats and soars in a dream-like manner. Technically precise and detailed with multiple layers with the contrast of blistering black metal and doom elements to counteract the dreamy affair. The vocals soar softly but still hold an immense power which captivates you until the black metal rasps rip through the calm. Fascinating stuff.

Rating: 7.5/10

4. Kvaen - The Formless Fire
   3rd Studio Album
   Swedish Melodic Black/Death Metal

A gorgeous yet brutally heavy slab of melodic black metal which takes elements of death, folk, pagan and speed metal. An 'Extreme Metal' band through and through, expertly blending all subgenres to create a well crafted sound. A very guitar-driven record full of melodically rich riffs and and flying solos. Thunderous rhythmical drumming and blistering blastbeats along with chugging basslines support the incredible guitarwork. Black metal-style rasps and screams dominate the record wit the addition of the occasional clean vocalisations as support. Alternating between fast-paced fury and mid-tempo stomps, the record is nothing short of a work of art.

Rating: 9/10

5. Inherits the Void - Scars of Yesteryears
3rd Studio Album
French Atmospheric Melodic Black Metal

A solo project from France which incorporates heavy elements of black metal, dense with rich melodies and haunting atmosphere. Utilising ethereal synths and keys to create a dynamic soundscape of ferocity along with monastic vocalisations and medieval-esque acoustics. Unrelenting blast-beats, furious riffage and a grandiose nature with a commanding prescence. A dark and beautiful record which draws on inspiration from the Swedish Black and Death Metal scenes.

Rating: 8.5/10

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