Jason Bittner Leaves Overkill

Jason Bittner Leaves Overkill

Drumming legend Jason Bittner issued a statement today to confirm he has left thrash legends Overkill after 7 years in order to focus on his other bands Category 7 and Shadows Fall.

Jason played the drums on the Overkill records The Wings of War and Scorched after joining the band in 2017. In a post on Instagram which directs you to the full statement on Metal Injection, Bittner states:

"On August 1, 2024, I played the Vagos Metal Fest in Portugal, and it was the last show I will play in the band Overkill," wrote Bittner. "For a while now I have been juggling a few different bands along with Overkill, and I knew at some point something would have to give since I simply can’t be three places at once. Over the course of this last year, my schedule has reached that breaking point.

"At this time Shadows Fall is working towards completion of our new material that will take us back out on the road sometime in 2025, as well as our fall shows we have booked for the rest of this year celebrating 20 years of The War Within.
"Compounded on top of this is my new band, Metal Blade recording artists Category 7 whose album just hit the shelves last month and will start touring soon through 2025. All of this adds up to something having to 'take a break', so as of today I no longer play drums in Overkill so I can concentrate solely on the bands that I am a full member/owner of.
Now don’t worry – they currently have another great drummer already learning the material, and he will be ready to do battle for the upcoming tours. I would like to thank EVERYONE in the Overkill extended family for 7 1/2 years of laughs, killer shows, and fun around the globe.
"All our crew members throughout my run, our agents Dolores Lokas and Mike Monterulo, my tech Animal for always having my back (Shake and Bake), as well as all of our crew past and present, the SKULLKRUSHERS (much love Jurgen), and all the fans who supported my tenure in the band, I love you all, thank you, and will miss you on the European and King Diamond tours… but I’ll see you out there with Shadows Fall and Category 7."

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