ALBUM RANKING: The Black Dahlia Murder

ALBUM RANKING: The Black Dahlia Murder

Michigan's The Black Dahlia Murder are a band that cemented their unique sound in the American melodic death metal scene. Since the band's formation in 2001, the band delivered an unmitigated onslaught of pummeling and aggressive riffing. All while the unhinged and dynamic vocal gymnastics of lead vocalist Trevor Strnad would showcase his versatility and impressive range and talent to match the band's take on melodic death metal. The band would not only establish that the United States could do melodic death metal just as good as their Swedish peers, but they could do it heavier and more brutal.

Black Dahlia Murder Vocalist Trevor Strnad Dead at 41

Tragically on May 11th, 2022, it was announced that Strnad had tragically passed away at the age of 41. The metal community was devastated hearing the news, with many people showing their love, support and admiration for Strnad and comforting the band in any way they could. Following his passing and a tribute concert that happened four months after Strnad's death, the band announced that guitarist Brian Eschbach would be stepping down as the guitarist and become the band's new vocalist. The Black Dahlia Murder entered the studio in November of 2023 and announced their new album Servitude. The band's tenth album will be released September 27th through Metal Blade Records.

Rising from the darkest the band had been through, the hype for the new album, and as a tribute to Strnad's legacy, we are going to rank the band's discography. Ranking all nine albums, looking at how impactful, influential and inspiring The Black Dahlia Murder are in the melodic death metal scene and how Strnad's impressive vocals were for the genre.

Black Dahlia Murder, The - Miasma (2005) Cover

9) Miasma (2005)

Two years after the band's debut Unhallowed, the band released Miasma and marked the studio debut of their newest member, drummer Zach Gibson, and the last album to feature bassist David Lock. The mark in production quality and Strnad was beginning to incorporate a higher scream register on the album compared to the debut began to become more noticeable. A good record, but in my opinion, not the strongest in the band's discography with some songs sounding too similar, even blending into each other like one seamless track. Not quite the major improvement and follow-up I was expecting from Unhallowed, but a minor improvement.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: "I'm Charming", "A Vulgar Picture", "Miasma"

8) Abysmal (2015)

Following the success and praise from Everblack, Abysmal was released two years later. Going into a more raw and natural sound, while also incorporating more unique and dynamic songs. The band did try new things with this album, like huge gang vocals on "Vlad, Son of The Dragon" for example. Though receiving solid reviews, the album fell into the same hole as Miasma did, where fans were expecting an amazing follow up to Everblack, but received a slight improvement and not an equal or better follow up as they expected.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: "Vlad, Son of The Dragon", "Re-Faced", "Asylum"

7) Verminous (2020)

The band's final release with Strnad on vocals before his passing, the album has elements that continue the trademark sound of The Black Dahlia Murder. The album has some really strong bangers throughout. "Removal of The Oaken Stake" is one hell of a track, and truly showcases Strnad vocally in what would tragically be his swansong. Pushing blackened elements in the guitars and drumming throughout, which was divisive since it did help/hurt the band's sound. With some fans liking the new addition, while some were mixed. The album would truly be a final bow to the legacy of Strnad's time with the band and the impact and influence his vocals would be for the metal scene.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: "Removal of The Oaken Stake", "Sunless Empire". "The Wereworm's Feast"

6) Deflorate (2009)

With new guitarist Ryan Knight added to the band, the band stated that they wanted this album to have a "classic feel" to it compared to their previous album Nocturnal. While that is true that it does have a "classic feel" to this album, and the album did have some classic Black Dahlia Murder songs like "Necropolis", Deflorate made fans feel that the band wasn't really reinventing their sound. Just drawing from the same sounds of previous records. Nocturnal was a strong record and fans wanted more of that, but felt that these songs weren't as strong as the songs from Nocturnal. Critics called the record "unfocused" or "lacking direction", which I don't agree with those statements. The record does have some good strong songs, and I think that the critics have these statements wrong, but I will admit that the band does have stronger material.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: "Necropolis",  "A Selection Unnatural", "Death Panorama"

5) Ritual (2011)

According to Strnad, this was the most focused Black Dahlia Murder album at the time of release. The band would push their sound even further, trying to go heavier in the death metal style, while also incorporating more of the band's iconic melodic death metal sound. Receiving high reviews from sites like Revolver and Blabbermouth, I do agree that this was the band's most focused record at the time of release. With many tracks being strong and commanding tracks that the band would perfect even more on the band's next album.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: "Moonlight Equilibrium", "Conspiring With The Damned", "The Grave Robber's Work"

Black Dahlia Murder, The - Unhallowed (2003) Cover

4) Unhallowed (2003)

The band's debut album, this would be the album that would introduce the world to a legend in American melodic death metal. A little over thirty minutes in length, the album is just a sonic onslaught of punishing gutturals by Strnad and the impressive technical speed and precision by guitarists Brian Eschbach & John Kempainen. From the punishing melodic death metal/metalcore hybrid of "Funeral Thirst" to the album's closer "Apex", the band does not give the listener a chance to breath or recover from the band's intensity. An impressive as all hell debut record and an album that would lay the groundwork on the sound they would become famous for.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: "Funeral Thirst", "Contagion", "The Blackest Incarnation"

3) Nightbringers (2017)

With the release of Nightbringers, the album was considered a huge step up from Abysmal and a record that was the sound and production from Everblack and you can hear those elements on many songs. The heavy as hell opening track "Widowmaker" has that visceral, unhinged vocals that Strnad is known for. A solid thirty-plus minute record with almost no skippable moments or lul moments musically. Eschbach and new guitarist Brandon Ellis were just riff-machines throughout the entire album and I think gave the fans what they wanted that was missing from Abysmal.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: "Widowmaker", "Matriarch", "Catacomb Hecatomb"

2) Everblack (2013)

Following the positive response from their previous album Ritual, it marked the debut of bassist Max Lavelle and drummer Alan Cassidy. With the band receiving some criticism for appearing on the 2013 edition of the Warped Tour, the band received criticism for being a death metal band appearing on a more punk-oriented tour. The album's title comes as a response, rebuttal or middle finger (however you want to see it) as the band giving the definitive answer that the band hadn't changed their sound or direction. Peaking at number 32 on the US Billboard 200, the album was heavy, brutal and a devastatingly heavy record that showed the band hadn't let up or eased their sound in anyway. In fact, going heavier and faster while flipping the finger to the naysayers.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: "Goat of Departure". "Raped in Hatred By Vines of Thorn", "Every Rope A Noose"

1) Nocturnal (2007)

What many of the fanbase have cited as the band's best record, the album was the band's sound perfected on this album. Marking the debut of new members, bassist Bart Williams and drummer Shannon Lucas, the album took the traits from the previous two records and fine-tuned those elements. Amplifying the band's playing style, intensity and performance on this album. The album would also show the band paying tribute to their history with a re-recording of the song "What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse" from the band's debut demo of the same name. A solid record from start to finish and in my opinion, is a defining record for the band and one of the best records in the melodic death metal genre.

SONGS TO CHECK OUT: The Whole Album, but specifically "Everything Went Black" & "Deathmask Divine"

Do you agree with my rankings? Which albums would you move up or down? Share your rankings in the comments section on our social media. You can also let us know in the comments what band's discography we should look at and rank next!

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